Friday, 22 May 2015

A Spotlight the Grouptrader Member My Energy Buyer

This edition of the Grouptrader spotlight focuses on My Energy Buyer Energy. 

So who are My Energy Buyer and what do they do?These are the first questions that entered my mind when I was first introduced to them.

Simply put they supply low priced energy to businesses, from anything such as a small fish & chip shop to multi-site factories and beyond.

I suspect some of you may be thinking
“Well that doesn’t sound really that exciting does it”,
I know I was when they first mentioned it to me. Aren’t there already loads of companies doing exactly the same thing? Well yes, and no.

Firstly, they get their pricing from the same source that over 1500 energy brokers use. A heck of a lot of energy gets bought through this platform, which results in very, very competitive pricing.

Well great, but what makes them any different from any of the other 1500 brokers pedaling “cheap energy”, that you just mentioned? Well this is where it gets interesting. 

The team at MEB are focused on delivering the right energy solution for their customers, not the solution that offers the most commission. Whilst many energy brokers can see prices from the whole market they often only actually offer the supply tariffs that pay the most and or quickest commission. The My Energy Buyer team absolutely do not do this, they offer tariffs from the whole market and work with their customers to match them to the most beneficial energy tariff.

My Energy Buyer are doing something that could genuinely become revolutionary. They are happy to show their customers how much their energy actually costs and how much income MEB are receiving from the deal.

This may not sound like anything earth shattering to those of you that are unfamiliar with Business-to-Business energy market, but in a world that more closely resembles the wild-west than a world of ethics and transparency, this is a big deal.

One of our members spoke with My Energy Buyer and found they could save them a small fortune. They highlighted that over £178,000, yes that’s right £178,000 of their contract was just commission that went to various parties!

My Energy Buyer clearly lay their cards on the table. Not only are they happy to show you exactly how much money they are making on the deal but they also state that
“We will not be beaten by a price from another 3rd party”.

If you are not a business owner and are questioning why you are reading this, don’t worry you haven’t wasted your time. If My Energy Buyer’s model goes the way we think it could, the next logical step is to do the same thing in the consumer market.

The next time you flick the kettle on wouldn’t you like to know just how much that energy actually cost and who is lining their pockets at your expense?
I know I would. This really could improve a whole industry that for too long has operated with questionable ethics.

So if you own your own business or know someone who does, click here and see how much the business could be saving. You may be pleasantly surprised.

If you don’t have any links to business just watch this space, they may just go on to benefit us all.

From Grouptrader’s point of view, it’s fantastic to be able to bolster the Grouptrader Energy Saving Deals with the addition of My Energy Buyer into the membership.

We hope you enjoyed the spotlight.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

How do you Win or Lose?

On the day of the UK election 2015 we take a light and inspirational look at winning and losing and how to best prepare oneself for the outcome.

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

Lyndon B. Johnson

The question on everyone’s mind is ‘Who will be taking those seats around the country and around the table?’ This as yet is undetermined, but for those who don’t make it to the winners’ enclosure – will they ask of themselves ‘could I have done more?’ Is it enough to give 100% of yourself? Can you ask more? Well, technically yes according to Economist Stephen Shmanske, ‘It's all about defining what counts as 100% effort. Let's say "100%" is the maximum amount of effort that can be consistently sustained. With this benchmark, it's obviously possible to give less than 100%. But it's also possible to give more. All you have to do is put forth an effort that can only be sustained inconsistently, for short periods of time. In other words, you're overclocking’. 

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Vince Lombardi

Is there a price to be paid for being in the race and winning?  Well you’ve won so that’s what it was all about – now to work! Onward and upward etc.  But what price failure? Well it’s ‘gonna be emotional’ – what a let-down, the dashing of dreams, the ‘what ifs’. However there is a great body of work out there to support failure as part of a process, so many high achievers cite failure as one of the things that helped shape them. There are thousands of quotes on the internet about failure being as important as winning.  Whose to judge?  But certainly how one has fought the battle must have an impact not only on us but those around us.  

Has this election been a fair fight? Certain election hopefuls and their supporters will shout ‘no!’ Surely it is all about the win, yes?....No? Fans of the recent American TV series, House of Cards will know just what it has taken for Francis Underwood to reach the No.1 position.  Sometimes it almost feels too worryingly real to watch. The question I find myself asking is ‘How does he sleep at night?’ ‘How can he live with himself?’  I haven’t quite finished the box set but I imagine him saying ‘whatever it takes’. 

Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost.

Martina Navratilova

So tomorrow will be D-Day for these hopefuls, the energy that has carried them through will now find a new outlet, fear. ‘Did I/we do enough?’ Well should things not go well, there’s always next time and life does go on.

Win or lose, we go shopping after the election.

Imelda Marcos

 Author: Fiona Dinning-Cole – Comms & Content Manager

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